It's a small thing, it's a petty thing, but it's something that matters to me anyway. Someone who meant a lot to me, for years, I lost touch with for a long time because I'm kind of bad at being a good friend... I've blamed myself for a long time and I still don't know how to approach them, how to say hi again, if I even should. I feel like I'd be intruding on something great. But recently, I took a plunge as I saw a little meme that reminded me of them, and I sent that post to them. Very afraid, mind you. Our conversation was a bit buried in my DMs and the last messege was them sending me something and me leaving them on read. It made me feel all the more guilty. But I sent what I wanted to anyway, because I wanted them to know I still think of them sometimes. And, later today, I saw they had reblogged the post, from the blog I sent them! It genuinely made me really happy, I wasn't even expecting they'd bother, maybe they'd just invisibly like the post and leave, but... they reblogged it! Maybe it has nothing to do with me, but the one tag they left on that post makes me feel like maybe all hope isn't lost in rebuilding some bridges.
