Like any good myth, even this version of the Hades and Persephone story has multiple retellings. Over long courses of time, details get lost and changed, roles shuffled around... and you forget the original ideas you came up with with your friend and just start randomly changing details as you make a new narrative of an old idea

30/07/2020 ~19:30

spade is satan, these two are antichrists
that or
spade is hades asgore is persephone
OOOOOOOOOOOOOO i fucking LOVE that myth-
this may be the origin of all my ship dynamics hm that is such a good fucking idea,,,,,, except asgore doesnt have a mom that we know of so who would be demeter-
flowey no damn clue
its,,,,, its the other way around asgore is floweys dad,
i,,,,, would flowey even care
listen probably not but hes flower themed and has familial ties to asgore its the best we can do
(fun fact that kind of stuff actually DOES get mixed up in some old myths, parental lineages and such and sometimed parents get swapped with their kids and such)
but i present to you:
if u say toriel i s2g
floweys a little bitch to unlike in the original myth where its autumn and winter when persephones gone, flowey makes it spring and summer when asgores gone just to fuck with him-
haha yeah no toriel wants no part in this
lmao he'd absolutely do that
meanwhile the underworld blooms and is bright when asgores there, and when hes gone its all moody and tyranical depressing-
so the seasons are the same in the underworld and in the overworld-
asgore like "im sorry, spade, i cant stay with you always... i have a son up on the surfice and i cant just leave my whole life behind" meanwhile floweys in the bg like "YES YOU CAN!!! GO AWAY!!! I'LL MAKE IT EXPLICITLY COLD AND AWFUL WHEN YOURE AROUND JUST LEAVE" but asgore loves his son too much despite the bullshit to stay with spade full-time
"i was supposed to finish the cover today" i say getting out a pencil and some sticky notes
also: baby underworld being lancer
regbreajgrjadsbgiurabgiurbeuialgbaeiu demon bab,,,
finally i can give him a tail
me taking every opportunity I can to design outfits:
its kinda messy but in my defense let me live
ofc you took my fav greek god and current fav character and mashed them together without me asking I Am Predictable
im fucking LIVING for this-
i just had the idea for skull shoulder pads and like. i HAD to
hes just straight up wearign a dress and then a cape over that i Love This???
also his crown is fucking dope what the fuck
my fav part is the skeletal hands holding the gem. whats the gem for? fuck if i know
you gave this man more style in his pinky than he canonically has in his entire life
BUGRIEBAGIUREAUIGRI its there to Look Good
the gem has to look pretty because spade himself will not
this is such a dope design im losing my mind

Kooki pinned a message to this channel. See all pinned messages. 30/07/2020 19:50

anyway persephone asgore
OOOOOOO oh my,,,
are those thorns all around his arms???
with thorns yes
bro thats metal as fuuuuuuuuuuck i love that
also asgore just looks objectively good in dresses dont @ me
dw I wont gay ass
and the flower crown,,,,,, Peak
flower crown was nessecary even tho I almost forgot it
bgiurbuigbriebguraebi yeah
im drawing these two like this tomorrow Mark My Words

09/10/2020 ~09:44

ok so i made some minor adjustments to that spadesgore pic so feast ur eyes on Kooki Pandering 2.0

01/10/2022 ~01:35

Can i change the og story of the hades and persephone au bc it hinges a lot on the old greek myth without much sense to the actual characters
go insane and go nuts
Taking a page out of both the ye olden OLDEN version of persephone's story, as well as when the day met the night,
This au features spade as the ruler of the underworld. Generally, not revered too highly amongst the gods, typically avoided at all cost because Death, but also? Kind of an asshole ruler. Gives cruel punishments in the afterlife for minor slights in life. Asshole all around. Meanwhile, asgore is one of two nature gods, the second one being toriel. Together, they keep the whole world blooming and growing all througout the year, no seasonal changes or anything. While asgore is happy together, toriel is kind of Over the relationship. Meanwhile, spade is starting to feel an emptiness in his soul at the monotony of his life (jack skelington style), and has no one with him to even Talk to most days because all his subjects fear him to their cores. One day, toriel decides to properly break up with asgore and sever ties completely, taking refuge in a mortal temple and disguising herself as one of the priests there so he wouldnt be able to find her (a thing demeter did for diff reasons in the older myth). This really fucks asgore up, and perpetual spring slowly turns to summer, as things stop blooming and the heat becomes more opressive than nurturing.
Meanwhile, spade decides to take a day trip out into the mortal world to see what hes missing out on, and he runs into asgore, drinking tea alone in his and toriel's sacred garden. This is where the song fully takes over, because its the middle of summer and spade just stumbled into this place while at his worst. Asgore is at this point, Really Fucking Lonely, and spade is someone hes never met before, so he asks him to sit down and have some tea, if in exchange he'll smile for him. Spade agrees, but ups the anty (like he always does) by making asgore swear to him that he'll never leave him alone to suffer. Asgore is, say it with me now, lonely and desperate, and agrees if only because he really fucking needs the company rn. So they sit and talk in the lush and lively garden of growth, and spade is mesmerised by the Idea of growth because he lives in dead land, but also completely taken in by how... Nice asgore is. Not just to the mortals but to HIM too. Hes never been treated like hes on the same level as someone else, and hes spent his whole existance thinking things have to be dominated or destroyed, that someone like asgore just. Is such a welcome fresh perspective. Asgore has a similar thing going on, as spade is grouch mcgee, meanwhile asgores been living in this idyllic, constantly happy and smiley isolated bubble, where neigher him nor toriel had the guts to ever say when something was wrong that shed rather run away than communicate, and bc of all that spade is... So Reasonable and Smart in comparison. So theyre both head over heels from minute one
Eventually, spade decides his day trip is over (as the sun starts to set), and asgore leads him all the way to the gates of hell, spending every possible moment he can with him because of "some strange cumpulsion" (hes gay), and once spade properly leaves, asgore is left all alone again. And a week or so goes by and summer slowly turns to autumn, as asgore doesnt know how to keep everything lively without toriel. (Meanwhile toriel is having the time of her life pretending to be a mortal)
At some point, asgore straight up disappears too, and thats when the autumn starts getting SUPER cold. People assume that the nature gods will come back soon, but so far the days are just getting colder and colder. In the underworld though, things are starting to change, and bloom, and... strangely prosper. Basically, asgore's promise to spade was to never leave him to suffer, but spade is kind of having an extremely difficult time ruling rn. Its not that the promise is like an unbreakable contract or something, its just given asgore a "hightened sense" of sorts about when spade catches the major blues, and he decided to spend his time helping in the underworld because he figures that, as long as hes not there, toriel will come back and take over instead. So asgore and spade are just unapoligetically a couple now, with spade finding that having someone There is Good actually, and asgore finds that his relationship with toriel WAS unfulfilling to an extent, and that hes happier with spade because theyre BOTH putting in effort to be near each other and to care for each other, and its not just a one-sided chase anymore. Meanwhile, in the living world, toriel still hasnt come back and winter has shown up. Cue panic
Some of the higher up gods get together to search for toriel and asgore. When toriel is found, they tell her how everything is dying and shes like "i know", and when they tell her that asgores missing too anf that SOMETHING needs to unfreeze the world otherwise all the mortals will die shes like "sigh fine i'll fix it". Meanwhile, when thex find asgore, and they tell him everything is dying hes SUPER distraught, and agrees to immediatly go back to the surface to try to fix this. Spade, before letting asgore leave, convinces him to eat some pomegranite seeds, yknow so he wont be hungry (the trick is that the pomegranite binds a soul to the underworld, and spade gave some to asgore even tho asgore doesnt know they have that effect because spade is terrified that asgore would leave him and never come back). Once on the surface tho, the grand plan of the other gods is revealed, and they try to convince both toriel AND asgore to stay gods of nature together at all times because longer warm times means mortals can make more nice sacrifices to the gods.
Toriel REALLY doesnt want to stay glued to asgore forever and, at this point, neigher does asgore! They both want to make the world good and habitable, but they just Cant do it together. This is when spade shows up to crash the party and kick the ass of whichever god orchastrated this because that "hightened sense" for distress goes both ways now that asgore and spade have been together for a while. They have this sense because theyre gods btw they cant otherwise do that. Anyway, spade crashes the party and declares asgore as HIS rightful groom (proposing when asgore is getting a job offer, classy), and threatens to make the underworld UNBEARABLE for mortals to the extent that the undead will be crawling out of the ground with their bare hands just to get away from it all. After a solid "yikes" from everyone in the room but spade, the gods decide to let asgore go, but toriel is in charge of nature for real for real this time, and shes alright with that, now that she knows that asgore literally Cant meddle with her business anymore. The pomegranites in this story are basically useless other than to show that spade is a desperate fuck and willing to lie and cheat to keep someone around. Anyway, the seasons in this au are explained a lil differently, bc the nature gods are split between the realms, so are the seasons, so when its spring for us, its autumn for them, when its summer for us, its winter for them, and vice versa. Meaning when it gets cold for us, its warm in the underworld, because the nature gods cant and wont make one place "permanantly nice" and another place "permanantly cold" anymore
Basically. GAY PEOPLE