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This page is very unfinished, as you can see, please be patient with it there's a lot of drawings and writing I have to make for it before it's fully presentable.


This isn't actually a rewrite, more like a personal fanpage.

Without boring you with the detailed backstory, Code Lyoko was one of those cartoons from my childhood I was both obsessed with, and that rewired my brain in a fundamental way. There's a piece of my soul that wholely belongs to this show, and recently I found that part again and decided to explore this half-digital world again. I'm really bad at rewatching shows, and it doesn't help that Code Lyoko's first season is kind of... ROUGH with the pacing and narrative stakes, but I've seen it at least once even if the final few episodes just straight up never aired in Serbia. God I hate television. Point being, I rewatched the show (almost) entirely in Serbian and this has made me totally unbiasedly certain of the fact that the serbian dub is just objectively the best one. ANYWAY, if you plan on reading this page, I also urge you to consider watching the original show, at least some of the highlight episodes. Even if you choose to watch it in your native language and not the objectively best serbian dub, I won't judge, as long as you give this show a fair shot.

For a while I considered doing a parody of Code Lyoko, a-la Ruining Moomin by MistySparkles, but I quickly realised that idea was kind of misguided. It was mostly rooted in me wishing she'd continued her own parody series, since it was so well made it Actually made me emotional more times than I can count, as well as the fact that I just... wanted to DO something with this world, y'know? A lot of the time I feel like, in order to properly engage with a piece of media I have to make a Thing about it, whether it be videos or essays or what have you. This often leads to disappointments and dead ends (shoutout to my scrapped video about Witch's House), so I think dedicating a webpage to things that strike my fancy could be a better creative outlet. It's not really as formal as a video essay or a full blown series, but it's also not as "basic" as just fanart and talking to a friend (which are both, by the way, perfectly valid and creative ways to interact with a medium, they're just my baseline and feel less involved and dedicated than other things). So, here, on this page, I'll explore all my ideas around Code Lyoko, things I'd change, things I wish were explored further, and just general observations, headcanons and (mis)interpretations of the base text. Strap in!


For starters, let's talk about Odd. He was the framing device in the pilot, and even throughout the main series he has this air of "I'm totally the main character" around him, even if no-one else buys it. There's nothing major I'd change about his character (if anything I think he's perfect as is), I'd just kind of. like to propose my queer headcanon is all- no, look, listen, I'm not just saying this because he's the artsiest of the cast and some audience members mistook him for a girl in the pilot, I'm saying this mostly because of his weird rivalry with Jim (which constrasts someone like Jeremy's rivalry with the man) as well as his canonical horrendous love life, especially surrounding girls. My personal headcanon is that Odd is REALLY overcompensating with the comphet, someone who knows it's the social norm to like girls and when he's not interested in any he pretends he's interested in EVERY, if that makes sense. All his relationships end when there's a moment of commitment, and while this can be seen as Odd being flighty, there's specifically an episode where he's shown to be loyal to a fault, when he tells his then-gf about Lyoko and his friends are all pissed at him, he tries to find a middle ground between both and eventually sticks with his friends rather than his crush. Odd isn't scatter-brained or incapable of commitment, there's just Something that fails in each of his (hetero) relationships, and I think that something is lack of actual romantic investment on Odd's part.

I put hetero in perenthases because I think there's an example of a non-hetero relationship Odd was in, and it was with Sam. Not only is Sam very gender non-conforming, but there's a scene where Jim calls Sam "Samantha" to her displeasure, as if "Sam" is the preffered name because of the Lack of an immediate gendered association. Though maybe that's just my trans brain reading too much into that, but it's legit my headcanon for Sam, I think they're nonbinary and just keep getting misgendered by the school staff because it was the 2000's and nobody cared or knew about that stuff. And, as fans of the show know, Sam was Odd's arguably healthiest love interest (until they lied a bit and broke his trust over something they thought was minor). There was no bailing out of nervousness, Odd genuinely just liked them and they connected in a way that Odd seemingly just Doesn't with any of the girls he's actually persuing. There's just a kind of disattachment Odd has to interacting with women romantically (he's casual about pretending to be with Aelita in that one episode, and talks about being with other girls in basically the same tone of voice), while being oddly specific with the way he "no homo" interacts with guys (shoutout to the scene of Odd in Yumi's body that was censored, where Odd decided to kiss Ulrich in Yumi's body to "give him a taste of his crush" like Fellas is it gay to kiss your best friend while in the body of a girl?) On the one hand, I don't wanna put concrete labels on Odd (because he seems antithetical to labels in general) but on the other hand he's gay he's totally gay.

Also???? He's a furry. Like canonically. I wish that was explored more.
