- Sad Girl Online
Provided the drag and drop javascript, as well as the 'snowflakes' effect that several of my pages use. Though the site is no longer being updated it's full os useful resources!
- W3 Schools
Free tutorials on all things HTML, CSS and javascript, with so much more to offer as well (even though I mainly just use those three). Simple and provides good practice.
- CSS Tricks, specifically their guide to flexboxes
God I fucking hate flexboxes AND YET they always prove to be the most useful way to get something to look right. Whenever I'm stuck with them this page is a huge help.
- Stack Overflow
Not providing a specific link, but still deserves a shoutout because 9 times out of 10 when I look up my exact problem with HTML there's already like 3 StackOverflow posts about it.
- MDN Web Docs
Another great development resource, similar to W3 with (in my opinion) better structure to the tutorials themselves.
- File Garden
Technically not directly related to coding, but it's a file hosting website I HEAVILY rely on. Basically everything for this site is hosted there.
NOTE: If you're curious where specific headers/footers/dividers on my site came from, they are credited when you hover over them, unless I made them myself.
- Meowchela
My bestieeeeeeee!!!! She's the one that inspired me to make my own Neocities in the first place and, frankly, to this day continues to inspire me to be a better person than I was yesterday. She's the best she's my goat and I love her.